We are working feverishly to add all 200+ pianos to the "Preowned Pianos" page. We appreciate your patience!The la petite 4’7” to the largest baby grand measuring 5’4” are the most popular sized baby grand pianos found in Tampa Bay homes. If you live in a smaller home, apartment or condo the la petite size is perfect! New black baby grands start at $10,000 and go up from there. At just $4,950 …
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Black is boring! Yes, polished black pianos are the most popular. But, if you have the decor that can accommodate a wood tone piano, depart from conventional thinking and go for it! The fire in the grain of this piano’s veneers is stunning! New, it would sells for just under $20,000. At just $5,950 this …
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If you look in The Piano Book by Larry Fine, the official authority on all things pianos, for the last five decades; both the 43” and 45”Charles Walter are singled out for praise as “musical standouts”. Fine writes, “Proof that a 43” piano can be made musical, and it’s made in the U.S.A.” Even Steinway …
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In the 1990s and early 2000s Samick pianos ruled the roost. Samick was the world’s largest piano manufacturer, only edged out for the top spot in recent years by Pearl River pianos. Samick is the founder of the European hybrid piano movement (EHP). EHP combine a top notch piano designer, high density of European components …
Continue reading “Kohler & Campbell Studio Piano – Tonal Release Cabinet Design | $3,900”
If you look at Yamaha’s logo it is 3 tuning forks, which are used when tuning a piano. That is because it all started with pianos in 1887. Fast forward nearly 140 years later and Yamaha is clearly the piano brand of choice by the masses. In the last 25 years Yamaha has been able …
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Yamaha is known and liked for their bright sharp tone. They hardens their hammers to achieve this crisp ear-piercing tone. The reason Yamaha likely does this is so that their piano’s tone are capable of cutting through other instruments and amplified vocals. In a home setting, especially when the floor is hardwood, travertine, marble, tile, …
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Steinway pianos used to be the sought after piano pre 1990s. Now virtually only the dwindling boomer population seek out Steinway. Gen X, Y, Z and soon Alpha are essentially programmed to seek out Yamaha product. When the internet and especially, social media became popular in the late 90s, early 2000s, Yamaha smartly ramped up …
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At the turn of the century there were hundreds of piano manufacturers in the US alone, but there were only a handful of musical standouts. Baldwin was always considered to be on par with Steinway, Mason and Hamlin, Knabe, and the other top quality American made pianos. Especially notable was the period from the 1950s …
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If you are searching for a virtually new Yamaha, Steinway, Kawai, Boston or Essex baby grand piano, with a player system, which can be controlled by one’s iPhone, iPad, tablet or android device; but you don’t want to break the bank, this would be an excellent choice! A new baby grand piano with a modern …
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A certain pop icon made his Las Vegas debut in 2004. That red piano served as the inspiration for this striking red creation. Similar to the bright polished red finish of a Ferrari, this stunning cabinet will serve as the bold statement piece in a modern/art deco decor. The manufacturer of this incredible instrument is …
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