For nearly 100 years Kawai has built some of the world’s finest pianos in Japan. Their quality is so renowned, that in 1991 Steinway & Sons teamed up with Kawai to build a full line of pianos, as Steinway themselves did not possess the expertise to build a top quality piano at scale. This partnership remains an existence to this day.
For years Japan, like much of the developed world stopped having children. Decline in birth rates for decades has put the Japanese in a precarious place. They no longer have 20 to 45-year-old workers to build their products and consume their products.
This has led the Japanese to search far and wide for affordable, consistent labor. Today, much of what Kawai and Yamaha produce is no longer built in Japan. Yamaha has gone to Indonesia and China for their Labor, Kawai only Indonesia.
Indonesian Kawai and Yamaha pianos are not as prized as the Japanese and American models. This Kawai is a Japanese built one! The least expensive Japanese made Kawai today is $25,000! At just $10,900 this is a spectacular opportunity to own the best for less!

Visit Dave’s Piano Showroom of Tampa Bay to see new and/or preowned Kawai, Yamaha, Steinway, Boston, Essex, Disklavier, PianoDisc, QRS, and many more other quality pianos.