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Ornate Handmade American Piano – $3500

At the turn of the 20th century there were hundreds of piano manufacturers in the US. However, there were only of handful of musical standouts; everyone knows Steinway, but additionally, Sohmer, Mason & Hamlin, Chickering, Knabe and Baldwin. 

Most pop icons in the 1950s, 60s and 70s played on Baldwin pianos; artist such as Elvis, Frank, Sinatra, Little Richard, Liberace, etc.  Baldwin was the only other American maker of pianos to ever give Steinway a run for their money. 

The Hamilton series by Baldwin was considered to be the pinnacle of piano building in its day.  The Hamilton series by Baldwin spared no expense and was Baldwin’s most comprehensive and thorough attempt to build the best piano humanly possible.

If you are searching for a quality, heirloom Piano at an affordable price, you will certainly want to check out this and hundreds more new and preowned pianos, at Dave’s Piano Showroom of Tampa Bay.