Piano Can Help Reduce Falls

Fall-risk is an especially important, yet sometimes underplayed component in promoting the wellness of our seniors. Falls during old age can lead to terrible and permanent damage, often costing the healthcare system and society very large sums of money in turn. There are a number of precautions that the elderly and their caretakers can make …

The Evolution of Pianos

Pianos were first created approximately 300 years ago, and were most recently rebuilt with additional advanced components and sounds as late as 150 years ago. Since the addition of Octaves, sound reaction and toning, string-reaction, and tone effects some might argue, such as Acoustician Nicholas Giordano, dean of Auburn University’s College of Sciences and Mathematics …

How to Find the Perfect Piano

Finding the right piano is very important for all players, from fresh students to polished professionals. The number one factor for most people in finding the right instrument is going to be price. Generally, quality will increase with price, but this is not always true. It is important to check out reviews or recommendations from …