The most popular Yamaha baby grand today, is a Indonesian made 5’ baby grand, model GB1. This piano is criticized by most pianists and reviewers. Most feel the Japanese made GC1 is significantly better for just slightly more. A new DGC1 in spapele mahogany cost nearly $30,000! This 5’3” model at just $14,500 is a …
5’3” Yamaha Baby Grand Piano – Made in Japan NOT Indonesia! | $9800
Do not spend $12,000 – $15,000 on a new Indonesian built, Yamaha 5’ GB1 baby grand piano! Not only do 5’ baby grand pianos sound lack luster in the middle/upper registers, and have a tubby bass, as a result of short strings and small soundboards; the GB1, 5’ Yamaha baby grand does not even …
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